Open-minded asexual feminine-leaning nonbinary (demigirl)
Malay person from Kedah living in Kuala Lumpur
Contributor to various Free and Open Source Software
Independent Malay translator since 2012
27 | F-NB | MY

نور الأزيرا هداية ياثوکو محمد نور هداية ياسويوشي
I'm Nurul Azeera Hidayah Yatsuko Muhammad Nur Hidayat Yasuyoshi. Just call me Yaya.
Basic Info
27 years old (18 October 1996)
Born in Alor Setar, Kedah, MY
Grew up in Sungai Lalang, Kedah, MY
Living in Jalan Kuching area, Kuala Lumpur, MY
Feminine-leaning non-binary (demigirl)
Pronouns she/her (preferred) and they/them
Kedahan Malay
Knows Malay, English, Chinese (Malaysian Mandarin) and Japanese
Has Diploma in Computer Science from UiTM Perlis, 2017
Has Bachelor of Computer Science (Honours) from UiTM Shah Alam, 2020
Extra Info
Promotes the preserve of nature and traditional heritage while adapting to modern world.
Encourages the use of Jawi alphabet to write Malay so that it doesn't extinct.
Western zodiac: Libra Sun, Capricorn Moon, Capricorn Rising
Chinese zodiac: Rat Year, Dog Month, Rat Day, Horse Hour
Chinese Horoscope: Yang Sign, Lucky Numbers 2 and 3, Lucky Colours Blue, Golden and Green, Fire Element
True Neutral
Translator, casual gamer, FOSS contributor, future YouTuber
Unemployed, still hunting for jobs in this country full of discrimination towards gender minorities.
Before You Follow
Please take note that most of the tweets I do were related to either translations, public transports, or games. I rarely do personal tweets per se but I do use the same Twitter to reply toxic Malays with scientific evidence related to transgender issue and public transportation.Most of my personal tweets were either bilingual Malay and English in one tweet, or one tweet in either language and another language in the reply. Sometimes, it can contain third language, either Japanese or Chinese (Mandarin). However, replies to other tweets will be in whatever language that is used in the original tweet and will not be translated.I do not follow back people who followed me.
If I want to follow then I choose who to follow, regardless if they followed me or not.
I don't mind who you are, follow me if you want, don't follow if you don't want.I also have two different Instagram accounts, the public account @mnh48.official is open for anyone to follow, whereas the private account is only open to local Bandori fans in the MYANDORI Discord server. Even if you found the account, I always ask in that Discord server for verification before approving the follow request.

The main thing I do is translation.
I used to be part of Japanese anime / music / drama fansub group but I have stopped after the fansub group's works keep getting taken down for copyright.Now I do English-Malay translations for software, games, websites, etc especially for free and open source software (FOSS) community. I also contributes to the FOSS community whenever I can with my ability of coding and bug-hunting.I still do Japanese-Malay and Japanese-English translations from time to time, but not as part of any fansub groups anymore, rather independent hobby work.I also do Chinese-Malay, Chinese-Japanese, Chinese-English translations if the text is not too complicated.
My Chinese is rusty after so many years of not using Chinese at open space and only using it online, as there's no Chinese in my university and after I graduated I get trapped indoor unable to socialize due to my housemate's shenanigan.For more information, visit tl.mnh48.moe

I started playing games in 2009, when I get to form one of secondary school (equivalent of 7th grade), where I usually go to cybercafe and spend my pocket money around RM2/hour.Nowadays, I don't have much time to play many games so I only focus on Minetest, Minecraft (mostly Java version but I have PC Game Pass which give access to Bedrock version as well), Counter Strike 2, and Osu!.

My music preference is mostly Japanese, with the first ever encounter with Japanese music being Hatsune Miku - Sakura no Ame in 2009 which I found when we're searching for good sad song for our teacher's retirement choir group.For now, I mostly listen to VOCALOID, Bandori, LoveLive and RevStar songs.
Other Interest

I have interest in drawing, but my drawing is too ugly and it just demotivates me.Other than that, most of my interests were on the technical stuff, like wanting to create programs and finding ways to improve current programs.Other technical stuff would be written on my full personal website instead of here.
I'm currently unemployed and fully depending on money I got from open source software donation pool where I'm translating in as well as doing low-paying freelance tasks. It would be good if you could ease my burden by helping me.I accept all kind of stuff, virtual and physical, including foods, contact me if you want to send anything high value or any physical items to ensure it arrived safely. I also accept donations.I also accept job offers as long as (1) it is accessible via public transport, (2) it do not require me to wear trousers (pants) as I only wear skirt, and (3) all of the staff will respect my gender and do not attempt to question about my legal gender that I couldn't change in this country
Current Income and Expenses
Listed here are the basic factions of my monthly incomes and monthly expenses.
Currently unemployed so no consistent base income
Doing various small tasks of freelance jobs that gives only between RM1 to RM10 per task even if it's complicated and take some time to complete - with things going on in real life with disruptions from my housemate, I only earn around RM100 per month nowadays, otherwise in normal day without any interruption I could earn RM300 per month
Receives Liberapay cashout, which mostly are results of my translations, around RM200 per month
Room rental - RM300: I'm renting the smallest standalone room with shared toilet, it's where I live at and sleep in - I plan to move out because of toxic housemate behaviour
Utility bills - RM15: subject to change at the whim of my housemate, it could go up to RM50 per month
RapidKL pass - RM50: To get around the city(not buying due to insufficient budget, and not going out)Mobile data internet - RM50:monthly RM50 prepaid mobile data on Hotlink with 50GB quota at 6Mbps speed - This is the one I use for all online activities because there's no WiFi here (currently sponsored by someone so not counted as my own expense)IFTTT - RM16: actual price varies because it's charged in USD at $4.00 and the currency exchange rate is a roller-coaster, this is used for various trackings on my side including for me to get notified of new freelance task to grab so that I could earn money to survive, as well as to power various automations in Discord, Twitter, Fediverse and some of my website functionalities as well as processing of API
Virtual private server (VPS) + object storage add-on -
RM44RM24: actual price varies because it's charged in USD at $11.00 and the currency exchange rate is a roller-coaster, this 4 vCPU 8GB RAM 200GB SSD Debian VPS with 1Gbps network link 32TB outbound traffic and unlimited inbound traffic is running various server-side applications needed for certain API, hosts several websites for various hobby-related programmes, runs several game servers both for personal testing purpose and for several weeb circles; 250GB object storage add-on is for files backup and video-serving so that the actual VPS don't crash from trying to serve video files (someone partially sponsored RM20 for this server as I'm hosting Minecraft server for one of the weeb circle so my expense is RM24 instead of the full RM44)Food - No budget set: I don't set budget for foods, I'll buy food to eat when I have leftover money after paying for everything else listed above
For transparency purposes, I list everything that I get sponsored of.
At the moment, all of the sponsors don't want to be known so I'll not reveal them.
If someone who sponsors my stuff wanted their identity be known, I'll reveal it.
Mobile data internet - RM50: enables me to get online and do everything, as there's no WiFi here at where I'm renting my room to stay at
PC Game Pass - RM15: enables me to get access to many PC games on Microsoft Store, which in turn is used for making mods, or translations of existing mods
Discord Nitro - RM31.99: made me easier to do moderation on some servers where I'm moderating at, as well as enables me to upload larger sized files directly on Discord
VPS (Partial) - RM20: the VPS runs many things but the RM20 sponsor is specifically for the Minecraft server that I'm hosting on behalf of certain weeb circle on my VPS
You can help me by donating some money.
For details on which platform is recommended for donation, read this page:
You can help me by donating some money.
The sections below are just the recommendations, Malaysians can also donate via method that is recommended for non-Malaysians and vice-versa.
Send via Maybank ATM Cardless Withdrawal - insert the phone number
into your cardless withdrawal menu and go with the process, then forward the 2 final SMS from Maybank to the same number so that I can withdraw them. Refer here.Maybank QR pay, scan QR code below from within Maybank app.
GrabPay, scan QR code below from within Grab app.
Boost wallet: key-in number
(will be usable so long it's done through the app)Postal order (Wang Pos) - also accepts from Singapore and Brunei due to mutual agreement.
Money order (Kiriman Wang)
Express money (Wang Ekspres)
Both donations on Liberapay and Ko-Fi could be processed through PayPal and Stripe. It's recommended to choose Stripe when using Liberapay or Ko-Fi as they have lower processing fees, hence I would get larger amount out of your donation to me through Stripe compared to through PayPal.Patreon processed through Payoneer, which I don't have experience in using yet.I will set up direct donation option with Stripe in the future, it will accept all major credit and debit cards (as well as FPX, the Malaysian payment gateway that connects to all bank direct debit and ewallet in Malaysia).ALL foreign donations are sent to my personal Maybank account regardless its processor PayPal, Stripe or Payoneer. Maybank (SWIFT code: MBBEMYKL) is the most reliable bank in Malaysia and they offer many different account types and card types, including credit, debit, prepaid, and charge cards. Maybank is also the sole issuer of American Express cards for Malaysian customers.All bank cards issued in Malaysia are debit cards with contactless payment by regulation, there is no ATM-only bank cards, and all card terminals in Malaysia uses both chip and NFC -- magnetic strip cards don't work here.
Send Stuff
You can also help me by sending some physical items. Send them to the address according to which postal or delivery courier you will be using.
Long skirts
Feminine office attire
Short skirts
Energy meter to measure how much electricity I'm using out of the only wall socket in my rent room - which currently connected to three trailing socket extensions with ten electrical appliances attached (five of them are always-on).
Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for my current setup.
Better PC setup with capability to run games and various editing softwares,
currently I'm using my laptop with an external monitor, externally powered 7-port USB 3.0 hub, and 4-port USB 2.0 hub for everything./currently only living with my phone (running Ubuntu for desktop work via UserLAnd app whenever needed) as my 6 years old laptop was dead since January 2020./ currently using a low-end refurbished PC as some software can't run through UserLAnd app on my phone -- see review of the PC at hereVR setup with motion sensors etc to make it easier for detecting motion for my character in future YouTube videos, so I can properly start my idea on The MNH48 Channel, which will focus on Malay language and Jawi alphabet with English and Japanese subtitle, plus Malay covers of Japanese and English songs.
Server rack with multiple hard disks to store archive of my videos and personal documents.
You can contact me through the following
The list above is sorted from fastest to slowest in terms of me reading through.
E-mail is the fastest as I always have notification for it unlike the others.
No, I don't turn on notification for Discord because I'm in a lot of different servers.Alternatively, you can also reach me by other means below:
I don't have permanent address, currently I'm just renting a rent room in a house in the area of Jalan Kuching, Kuala Lumpur. For privacy reason, I can't put the address of the house itself, so please use the following address if you want to send mail or parcels.
Remember to also include this phone number in the relevant field: 011-14740542
Yaya MNH48, MyPosPay Parcelhub PUDO Jalan Kuching
No. 110-G, Jalan Kepayang, Taman City,
Off Jalan Kuching, Kuala Lumpur,
51200 Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur,
Alternatively, we can meet up at train stations in the areas of Jalan Kuching or Jalan Ipoh such as KTM Batu Kentonmen station or MRT Kentonmen station, or anywhere else accessible by train such as Titiwangsa station or KL Sentral station.
Just contact me to arrange date and time.
I'm usually available all day until I get a proper job, unless there's event going on.